Massage Therapy, Reiki, and Meditation


Spokane Massage offers a variety of therapeutic massage modalities including deep tissue massage, swedish, hot stone, craniosacral, myofascial release, and trigger point. Conditions we treat through massage therapy include auto accident injuries, sports injuries, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, and work-related injuries including repetetive motion injuries.


Massage Therapy

A Holistic Approach

At Spokane Massage we provide an integrated approach to bodywork that incorporates the best of both traditional and holistic massage modalities.  The goal of the massage therapy we provide is to address the root causes of pain and tension in the body rather than providing just short term relief and relaxation.  Typically our massage sessions incorporate multiple massage techniques to meet the specific needs and goals of each individual. 

Insurance Based Massage

Spokane Massage accepts motor vehicle PIP (Personal Injury Protection) for auto accident injuries and L&I (Labor and Industries) for work related injuries. Most major medical insurances accepted (please call to confirm benefits and appointment availibility).


Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage utilizes deep pressure and friction to release adhesions, knots, and tension in the deep layers of muscles and fascia.  Deep tissue techniques often incorporate long, deep, slow strokes with hands, forearms, and elbows.  Instead of following a "no pain, no gain" approach, the deep tissue massage we offer effectively releases tension in the muscles without causing excessive pain or soreness.


Swedish Massage

Swedish is a traditional form of massage that can create a deep sense of relaxation and healing through the use of long, smooth, gliding strokes across the superficial layers of muscle.  Tapotement (tapping) and petrissage (kneading) techniques can also be incorporated.  Swedish massage typically uses lighter pressure, and is both relaxing and energizing.



Hot Stone Massage

Hot stone massage utilizes smooth, heated river stones to warm, relax, and massage the muscles of the body.  The stones may also be placed on specific areas, energy points, or meridians for re-balancing and energizing the body.  The stones can also be used to apply deep tissue and trigger point techniques.


CranioSacral Massage

Craniosacral is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.  Craniosacral gently releases restrictions in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid through the head and spine.


Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is a manual therapy that targets and releases tension and restrictions in your body's fascial system.  Fascia is a continuous, uninterrupted network of connective tissue that runs through the whole body.  It connects muscles to skin and surrounds muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and organs.  Due to injury, poor posture, and many other factors, restrictions in your fascia can result in pain and dysfunction in muscles, joints, and other soft tissue structures.  Myofascial release takes a whole body approach to understanding and releasing tension and dysfunction in the body's muscles and connective tissue.

Cancellation Policy:

Appointments cancelled without 24 hours notice will be charged 50% of service price.  Full price of service will be charged for no shows without a cancellation notice.