Massage Therapy and Wellness in Spokane Valley


At Spokane Massage we offer both Reiki healing sessions and Reiki classes / attunements from a certified Reiki Master in the Usui Reiki tradition.  Reiki energy healing helps restore balance and harmony to mind, body, and spirit. 




What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of hands-on energy healing that helps restore balance and harmony to your chi, or life force energy, and can help create a deep level of relaxation which lowers stress hormones and shifts energy patterns in your body.  Reiki is an alternative therapy that is currently offered at many well-known hospitals and medical centers around the country including Yale-New Haven hospital, the Mayo Clinic, and Johns Hopkins hospital.  It is a non-invasive system of healing that brings comfort and peace to the body and mind.



Reiki Classes and Workshops

Connect with your inner healer with one of our Reiki training classes or workshops.  We offer level 1, 2, 3, and Master/Teacher certification in the original Usui Reiki tradition.  Our classes and workshops incorporate additional elements including lessons in compassion and mindfulness to help support and expand your work as a healer.

Upcoming Classes

Reiki group classes have been postponed until after Iain’s final year of acupuncture school, due to time constraints. Please check back for future classes.


Reiki Home Study Course

For those who prefer more personalized one on one instruction we offer a home study course with individual in-person attunements. Study materials for Reiki methods and practices is provided alongside individualized in person training. Attunements can be scheduled at our Spokane Valley clinic.

Reiki Healing Sessions

Restore balance and harmony to your body, mind, and spirit with Reiki healing sessions from a cerfified Reiki Master/Teacher.  Discover the ways Reiki can help support you on your personal journey of inner growth and healing.